The Light

by Vicki L Thomas
The Light
Vicki L Thomas
Pastel - Suspended Pastel Painting
THE LIGHT is a pastel painting expressing the thoughts and emotions of God. This is not always easy for a prophetic person, especially when the challenges of being an expressionist artist are combined. The heart must seek not only the purity of holiness and compassionate love but communion with God Himself. If prophetic art is to reflect divine virtues and the qualities of Holy Spirit, the artist must earnestly covet God's endorsement, rather than desire selfish notoriety or fame.
I confess these Scriptures speak about my own struggle. "The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death, Light has dawned." Matt. 4:16
"I (God) want to open their eyes so that they will turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Then their sins will be forgiven, and by faith in me, they will become part of God's holy people." Acts 26:18 CEV
Personally, I know what it is like to live in that icy region of the darkness of the shadow of death, mentioned in these Scriptures. I also know the enormity of God's warmth and love shining on me. I remember the immense gratitude I felt (when I was of no use to Him whatsoever) ... yet, He deliberately intervened in my life, rescuing me when I was hopeless and lost in a great void as an outcast of humanity.
Now you know why I paint and even more, why I share the things I meditate on when I paint. For anyone who understands the tender mercies of God, or the tremendous relief I felt when Jesus touched my heart, delivering me from the kingdom of darkness, then they surely understand why I feel Christ-centered art is all important and life-giving ... and why I must do, what I do, as a person and an artist.
May 20th, 2015
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